7+ Years

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Gaurav Tripathi’s GeoVerse — The Personal Homepage of Gaurav Tripathi

UPSC CSE Faculty, Mentor & Author

Gaurav Tripathi is one of the most respected names in geography education, with years of experience teaching thousands of UPSC Civil Service aspirants. His teaching style combines in-depth knowledge with a clear understanding of exam requirements, ensuring that students are well-prepared not just for the exams, but for a broader understanding of how geography impacts society, governance, and the environment.

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Learn more about Gaurav Tripathi

Delve into the legacy of Gaurav Tripathi, a beacon of knowledge for thousands of UPSC Civil Service aspirants.


Gaurav Tripathi is a Civil services faculty of Geography, Environment and Disaster management and also an Independent expert on the related issues.

Teaching Style

Gaurav believes that discussion and precise notes are the key. Students and readers must feel free to raise their doubts and get answered.

Author Portfolio

Gaurav Tripathi’s author portfolio showcases expertise in geography education and its impact on society and the environment.

Educational Experience

B-tech in civil engineering and read about the basic geology, town planning, irrigation which ultimately drove his interest towards Geography.

Society Impact

He wants to raise awareness and sensitivity towards our environment and how it impacts our society. This blog is a step towards this very aim.